Name Your Intention
In an interview with Seth Godin, the renowned author and blogger, Godin makes the point that we fear intent. Why? Intent creates the possibility of failure. It creates a risk. Simply in stating an intent, the possibility of failure is created. And, in the industrial system that we live in, failure is terrifying.
However, without intent, we have no aim. Without intent, we do not know where we are going and we do not know why are we doing what we do. We make ourselves dependent on a system that determines our intent for us. The only way to free ourselves from becoming a cog in the system, someone who dedicates their life to the intent of someone else, is to name our intent.
Naming your intent creates direction. It tells us why we are doing what we do and why it matters. It is necessary for growth. Moreover, naming your intent does not only help you grow, but it also helps to connect people. And in the world we live in, connection is key.
Sharing your intent connects. Humans love to problem solve. We have all seen it. You tell someone you know about a problem that you are having and they begin listing off all the things you should be doing. Although this isn’t always desirable, it creates an opportunity to connect.
Naming your intent and why you are struggling to achieve it connects people. Barbara Sher said, “If you say I’d love to be a ballerina, but I’m 44 years old. Every mind starts working. Even if people don’t like you, they’ll solve your problem: ‘I heard about, 44-year-olds, there’s one in Boston. There’s a new ballet troupe, I read about in a magazine, I’ll find it.’ People want to help. Amazing things will happen to you.” When you voice what you want to accomplish and the obstacle that stands between you and accomplishing your goal, you can make great strides in bringing people together.
Collaboration Breeds Success. When you share your intent and the obstacles standing between you and accomplishing that intent, you invoke the problem-solving nature of everyone you tell. As illustrated by the quote above, people want to solve issues. They want to help you achieve your goal.
When you offer up your intent to the world, people want to help. However, if you are too scared of failure and keep your intent bottled up in your mind, you relinquish any opportunity to get the support of those around you. Do you have to take every suggestion that people give you? No. But will they give you awesome ideas that you overlooked? Most certainly.
Accomplished Dreams Echo. When you accomplish what you set out to do, you unlock possibilities for others. Maybe you wanted to start a blog. Your blog will provide insights and revelations to the world. Maybe you want to climb Mount Everest. Through the journey, you will learn about yourself and others, allowing you to put more good into the world.
When we accomplish our dreams, we unlock the potential in ourselves and in others. All we have to do is set aside our ego and ask the world for help. Trust me, people will love to solve your problems.
“We’re all the center of enormous amounts of information and connections that we don’t need and we don’t think of unless somebody asks us.” -Barbara Sher
Share Your Art and Connect! Although keeping your art close to your heart and away from the world makes you feel safe, you are doing an injustice not only to yourself but to the world. Art is made to connect. It is made to provide insight, share ideas, and bring people together. Sharing your work allows you to improve as an artist and creates connection in a world that needs it.
So, where can you start? Share your intent and share what’s standing in your way: tell your friends, tell your teacher, tell the barista at a coffee shop, tell anyone. Because by sharing your intent with the world, you will create true growth and valuable connection.