Systematizing the Good Life

Ben Heim
5 min readFeb 2, 2023
Masaaki Komori

I was 17 when I decided my purpose.

I didn’t look for it. I didn’t ask for it. I decided it.

The day I decided wasn’t special. I didn’t set aside time to consider how I could craft my purpose. It just felt right.

I set goals to get there. I created processes to get there. I experimented, I learned, and I built.

Two years later, I live that purpose every day: to create tools to help individuals flourish.

This post right here. This is one of those tools.

Value proposition: Learn how to live your best life every single day.

What’s your purpose?

For my 19th birthday, I brought together my friends to do a period of life-reflection. I asked 10 questions designed to help people live a life more aligned with their vision.

Without vision, we fall to the default path. We say “yes” to everything people ask for us. We tend to view purpose as something we add to our life. And maybe it is. But it’s true function is to help us say no.

In Essentialism, Greg McKeown explains the life of the essentialist — the person who chooses what to pursue and pursues it with vigor:

The way of the Essentialist means living by design, not by default. Instead of

